Diverse lepra projecten Erasmus MC


Prof. Dr. J.H. Richardus


Prof. Dr. Richardus is betrokken bij meerdere internationale onderzoeksprojecten op het gebied van lepra, deels nog lopend en deels afgerond. Deze projecten zijn in samenwerking met allerlei partners in binnen- en buitenland. Sinds 2012 vormen hierbij de researchprojecten in Bangladesh i.s.m. Prof. Geluk (LUMC) de belangrijkste samenwerking binnen Nederland.

Projecten Richardus (vanaf 2015):

  • Monitoring the effect of prophylactic interventions in contacts of leprosy patients including field-application of a novel immune-diagnostic test in Bangladesh (INDIGO#2).
  • Chemoprophylaxis for leprosy: comparing the effectiveness and feasibility of a skin camp intervention to a health centre based intervention. An implementation trial in Mozambique, Ethiopia and Tanzania (PEP4LEP).
  • Stop the Transmission of Leprosy; Indonesia, India, Brazil, Bangladesh, Nepal (PEP++).
  • Leprosy elimination investment case and mathematical modelling study.
  • Identification of human susceptibility genes and pathogen-based transmission patterns for human and environmental sources of M. leprae in a leprosy endemic area in Bangladesh.
  • Field evaluation of novel immunodiagnostic tools for early detection of leprosy in a BCG vaccination field trial amongst contacts of leprosy patients (INDIGO 1).
  • Leprosy Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Evaluating Feasibility and Impact on Leprosy Incidence (LPEP).
  • The combined effect of chemoprophylaxis with rifampicin and immuno-prophylaxis with BCG, in the prevention of leprosy in contacts: a randomized controlled trial. (MALTALEP).
  • Application of immunodiagnostic tools for early detection of leprosy in the field (IDEAL).
  • Treatment of Early Neuropathy in Leprosy. (TENLEP)

Selected References:

2023 Thomas Hambridge Establishing a standard method for analysing case detection delay in leprosy using a Bayesian modelling approach
2022 Nimer Ortuño-Gutierrez High yield of retrospective active case finding for leprosy in Comoros
2022 Yudhy Dharmawan Delayed detection of leprosy cases: A systematic review of healthcare-related factors
2022 A.T. Taal Determining target populations for leprosy prophylactic interventions: a hotspot analysis in Indonesia